Manual Coffeemaker Nº1
Proudly designed in Chicago by Craighton Berman, the Manual Coffee Maker No 1 is a simply designed pour over coffee maker created to celebrate the ritual of making the perfect cup of coffee. Pour over coffee makers are generally designed as a carafe or a funnel to sit in a mug, but Craighton Berman and the Manual team decided that they wanted to things a little differently. The result is beautiful.
Making the perfect cup of coffee is an art, and now the art is reflected in the coffee maker. The three piece system of a brewer, carafe and a base gives this pour over coffee maker a little more substance than many of its counterparts, which allows it to be not only functional, but a piece of kitchen art as well. This countertop “low-tech appliance” pushes the consumer to value both the product and the process of making a great cup of coffee. Tinkering with the grinding and brewing process is encouraged so that each person can find what produces his or her perfect cup of joe. The Manual Coffee Maker is designed to “celebrate the quirks of life.”
A beautiful design and a focus on process comes together to make one special coffee maker out of Chicago. So, if you are a person who appreciates coffee and the quirks of life, check out the Manual Coffee Maker No 1.