
Monthly Detroit Supper Supports Micro-Grants for Creative City Projects

Every month, hungry diners get together in Detroit to harness the power of a collective group to make the city a better place. Detroit Soup held its first soup supper in February 2010 with goal to fund micro-grants for creative projects in the city. Four years later, the group has raised more than $55,000. Here’s how it works: People pay $5 at the door for soup, salad and bread. Over the course of the meal people share ideas for how they hope to make Detroit a better place. At the end of the meal, dinner-goers vote on which project they’d like to support with the money raised at the event. Want to join in and give a little to help an interesting project? Then bring an empty stomach on Feb. 9 and join Detroit Soup for its Celebration SOUP! as the group commemorates its fourth anniversary.

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